Dennis Behreandt
Gary Benoit
Senior Editors
William F. Jasper
Veronika Kyrylenko
Alex Newman
Rebecca Terrell
Managing Editor
John T. Larabell
Associate Editor
Larry Greenley
Creative Director
Joseph W. Kelly
Senior Graphic Designer
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Graphic Designers
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Advertising/Circulation Manager
Julie DuFrane
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Selwyn Duke
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William P. Hoar
R. Cort Kirkwood
Patrick Krey, J.D.
John F. McManus
James Murphy
Robert M. Owens, J.D.
Annalisa Pesek
Dr. Duke Pesta
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Peter Rykowski
C. Mitchell Shaw
Michael Tennant
Fr. James Thornton
Laurence M. Vance
Joe Wolverton II, J.D.
The New American
P.O. Box 8040,
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The New American is published twice monthly by American Opinion Publishing Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of The John Birch Society