Teen Vogue Is Teaching Your Kids How to Skirt the Law to Get Abortions

Forget fashion and celebrity gossip. Teen Vogue is going full left-wing activist by instructing underage girls on how to get an abortion in America today.

In a recently published piece by Lauren Rankin, Teen Vogue teaches its readers “How to Get an Abortion if You’re a Teen After Roe v. Wade Was Overturned.”

Rankin, a self-described “activist” in favor of abortion, authored a book defending the practice titled Bodies on the Line: At the Front Lines of the Fight to Protect Abortion in America. The Teen Vogue op-ed in question was originally written and published by the outlet in 2019, but has now received an “update” and republication in reaction to the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs case last month.

“Some states may criminalize providing abortion, but having an abortion does not inherently make you a criminal,” Rankin writes. “This article can help you navigate how to get an abortion as a minor in a post-Roe world.”

Under a section asking “Where Do I Go for an Abortion,” Rankin notes that 13 states have trigger laws designed to outlaw abortion immediately upon the overturn of Roe v. Wade, but not all are yet in effect.

“If you live in one of the states where abortion is currently banned, you will most likely need to travel to another state for an in-clinic abortion,” Rankin counsels teenage girls.

She then lists the states that require parental involvement in the abortion process, allowing for girls to know where they don’t need parental consent or notification in order to have their unborn babies killed.

“If you aren’t comfortable telling a parent about your decision to have an abortion, you can seek what’s called a ‘judicial bypass’ in one of the many states that has this system,” Rankin advises. She notes that under a judicial bypass, a girl may go before a judge to get approval for the abortion, rather than obtaining consent from her parents.

“Yes, it’s paternalistic and unfair that you literally have to get permission from someone else to choose what to do with your body, but it is an option for legal abortion,” Rankin laments. She also name-drops Jane’s Due Process, an organization that gives minors legal representation when seeking bypass hearings for abortion.

Of course, traveling out of state for an abortion requires money, so Rankin is sure to inform her young readers that “[a]bortion funds may be able to help you.”

“It’s important to know that currently, it is legal to travel out of state for your own abortion,” Rankin writes in response to the question of whether it is legal to travel to another state for the purpose of killing a child in the womb. “Some hostile states, like Missouri, want to ban traveling out of state for an abortion, but it’s unknown if such bans would hold up under federal law.”

Can’t or don’t want to travel for an abortion? Rankin says not to worry — there’s always “medication abortion.”

“The World Health Organization has specific guidance on self-managed abortion with pills up to 10 weeks of pregnancy,” Rankin notes, going on to rue the legal landscape regarding such abortions and even advising young girls to use browsers like DuckDuckGo and encrypted messaging services to avoid being caught buying abortion pills:

Self-managed abortion with pills is considered safe but it could be risky in terms of criminalization. The abortion pill may still be accessible via the sources above in states that have banned abortion, but the legal landscape is changing quickly. And, women of color have already been prosecuted for their pregnancy outcomes, including stillbirths, miscarriages, and self-managed abortions, while Roe was still the law of the land. The Digital Defense Fund has tips on how to protect yourself from digital surveillance. Most critically, if you live in a state that has banned abortion and are seeking information or medication to self-manage an abortion, be sure to use a secure browser like DuckDuckGo and an encrypted messaging service like Signal.

The Teen Vogue contributor goes on to list organizations like the Midwest Access Coalition, Fund Texas Choice, and the Brigid Alliance, which give money and resources to those who wish to travel out of state for abortions.

When the major publications aimed at youth are encouraging abortions instead of faith, family, and patriotism, is it any wonder our nation is on the path to complete cultural collapse?