Kissinger at 100: More Than Half a Century of Treachery, Betrayal, and Treason

Henry Kissinger, the much-celebrated eminence grise of the globalist Establishment, marked his 100th birthday on May 27. Media fanfare, commentary, bouquets, and brickbats poured forth as expected. Kissinger — former national security advisor and secretary of state, political savant, and globetrotting adviser-at-large to the world — is both revered and reviled by constituencies across the political spectrum like few other “elder statesmen” in history.

There are many on the far Left that despise and castigate him at every opportunity, with their underlying (or sometimes overt) criticism being that Kissinger’s alleged anti-communist tendencies, combined with his amoral pragmatism and power lust, caused him to support right-wing dictatorships and to assist the overthrow of left-wing governments. However, for the Wall Street crowd, the Permanent Government in Washington, and the elite “mainstream” media, Henry is a darling like no other. Presidents, prime ministers, dictators, movie stars, billionaires, and Fortune 500 CEOs seek to bask in his supposed brilliance. Governments, universities, and prestigious organizations shower him with accolades.

On the other hand, MAGA conservatives — the GOP contingent not completely under the sway of RINOs, neocons, Fox News, and National Review — are more likely to place Kissinger somewhere between Machiavelli and Beelzebub in history’s catalog of villains, even if the specific reasons for their antipathy are somewhat foggy. The fogginess is understandable, considering that for the past 50 years “Dr. K” has been the recipient of relentless whitewashing by the Deep State’s public relations machine, while evidence of his criminal deeds has been sent down the memory hole. Those old enough to recall his trail of treachery are dying off, while younger generations have been exposed only to the globalist hagiographies of “St. Henry” or the leftist demonologies of “Henry Diablo.”

“An American patriot like none other.” – Huh?!!!

Even in-the-know “conservative” publications such as The American Spectator joined in the chorus of happy birthday cheerleading for Dear Henry (“Henry Kissinger Turns 100”), calling him “An American patriot like none other.” The Spectator’s Francis P. Sempa writes that “above all, Henry Kissinger … has been an American patriot.”

Really? Sempa, like many other Kissinger devotees, relies on and quotes from Dr. K’s “magnificent memoirs” to demonstrate Henry’s supposed love for America and utter disdain for the hate-America Left, who traduce everything good about our country while siding with our enemies (such as the communist Viet Cong during the Vietnam War).

While all memoirs tend to be self-serving, Kissinger’s ponderous memoir trilogy — weighing in at over 5,000 pages! — takes self-serving to a new level, along with historical revisionism. It is easy for him to make himself look heroic by contrasting himself with the communist SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) radicals who went to North Vietnam and shouted “Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh, the Viet Cong are Going to Win!” The ranting, seething, screeching Marxist mobs are easy foils that the likes of Kissinger, Nixon, and Lindsey Graham adroitly exploit (with the help of their media allies) to falsely portray themselves as the guardians of America.

So, here, in the interest of correcting the gaping Orwellian memory hole in the public record of Herr Kissinger, we will provide an abbreviated indictment of a few of his abysmal deeds that properly should earn him everlasting ignominy, not the fawning honors that are regularly bestowed upon him.

Communist China: Betraying Its People, Building Our Enemy

British historian Niall Ferguson, the man Kissinger selected to write his official biography, the man who has been given unfettered access to troves of previously undisclosed files and documents, says, “I’m constantly reminded of how many crucial decisions were taken in the period when Kissinger was in office, but nowhere I think has his role had more profound consequences than in China.”

Moreover, Ferguson importantly notes that Kissinger “was the only one individual who was involved at every juncture of US-China relations, from the very beginning right down to the present day.” From the very beginning right down to the present day.

In other words, if you’re looking for the architect most responsible for the past half century of American policies that have transformed Communist China from a hopelessly backward, mass-murdering, totalitarian, Third World regime into a modern, nuclear armed, technologically advanced, mass-murdering, totalitarian, First World economic and military power, look no further than Henry Kissinger.

Yes, thanks to the amazing Dr. K, operating through both Republican and Democratic administrations — as well as through elite banking and business circles via his Kissinger & Associates — Communist China is now our nation’s (and the world’s) number one existential threat. He has helped the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) wage economic, political, social, and biological asymmetric warfare against us for decades. The following is but a small sampling of the innumerable ways Kissinger has aided the Beijing regime from Mao to Xi:

  • Secret Trip. Starting the ball rolling in 1971, Kissinger and his assistant, Winston Lord — later to be president of the Council on Foreign Relations, ambassador to China, and assistant secretary of state (under President Bill Clinton) — made their infamous secret trip to the People’s Republic of China, meeting with communist leaders Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai to open the way for U.S. aid and trade;
  • At the time of this secret trip, China was in the midst of Mao’s murderous Cultural Revolution, was (along with the Soviet Union) arming and aiding communist Ho Chi Minh’s forces killing American soldiers in Vietnam, was supporting “anti-imperialist” (i.e., anti-American) movements around the world, and had been the mainstay of communist Kim Il Sung’s forces that had killed 37,000 Americans in the Korean War;
  • The Kissinger-Nixon 1971 rapprochement with Mao’s China signaled to the pro-communist United Nations that it was time to boot the Republic of China on Taiwan (our staunch ally in World War II and the Cold War) from its seat in the UN and the UN Security Council, to be replaced by Communist China;
  • Mao’s successor Deng Xiaoping was sold to the world by Kissinger as the man who would “reform” China, beginning the process of the massive transfer of America’s manufacturing and technological base to China;
  • When Deng showed his true Maoist hand with the murder of thousands of students during the June 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, Kissinger still supported him. When ABC’s Peter Jennings asked him if the U.S. should impose sanctions and cut off military aid, Kissinger responded, “I wouldn’t do any sanctions,” and insisted on maintaining the same U.S.-China relationship. The following month he penned a column for the Los Angeles Times praising Deng and defending his actions;
  • On September 15, 1989, a Wall Street Journal article pointed out a clear conflict of interest in Kissinger’s defense of Deng, noting that “Mr. Kissinger has unique business ties to the Deng regime — connections that had him on the verge of earning hundreds of thousands of dollars from a limited partnership set up to engage in joint business dealings with a ministry of the Chinese government.” Kissinger has made many millions of dollars since that time in his dealings with the regime;
  • On August 8, 2004, the CCP’s Xinhua News Agency ran a glowing tribute to Deng titled, “Deng Xiaoping One of Greatest Men of 20th Century: Kissinger,” brimming with quotes from Kissinger praising Deng;
  • Kissinger has continued his promotion of the CCP and Xi Jinping, and continued transfers of technology and capital to China through his prominent roles in the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (NCUSCR), the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Vietnam War: Abandoning American POWs/MIAs, Betraying Our South Vietnamese Allies

  • Prior to his well-known role as Nixon’s negotiator on Vietnam (for which Kissinger undeservedly received a Nobel Peace Prize), Kissinger had already been involved as an advisor to Democratic Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson;
  • In 1965 Kissinger was invited by his “old friend” Henry Cabot Lodge (CFR), serving as Johnson’s ambassador to South Vietnam, to tour Vietnam. Along with most of his globalist Democratic colleagues, Kissinger concluded that the war was unwinnable, even though he would go on to prolong that war and implement military “rules of engagement” that would guarantee the war would indeed be unwinnable by our side (and would be won by the communists);
  • The Kissinger-Nixon slogan of “peace with honor” was just that, a campaign slogan. When Kissinger signed the Paris Accord in January 1973, he assured South Vietnam that we would still support them militarily, knowing full well he was turning them over to the communists. As declassified documents later revealed, a year earlier, while meeting Mao and Zhou in February 1972, he had informed them that if the U.S. was able to live with a great communist country like China, the U.S. could also live with a small communist country like Vietnam;
  • Kissinger simply asked the North Vietnamese communists to hold off taking over South Vietnam until a “decent interval” had given him respectable cover;
  • Kissinger stage-managed the 1973 Operation Homecoming, in which nearly 600 POWs were returned from Vietnam, while more than 2,400 (and perhaps as many as 5,000) remained unaccounted for, with good evidence that many of them were still alive in captivity. But Kissinger insisted on closing the books on them;
  • Kissinger had promised in the Paris Accord a multibillion-dollar “reparations” program for Communist Vietnam in exchange for our POWs, knowing full well that Congress would not approve the funding, seeing it as extortion and an unacceptable admission of U.S. war guilt — especially after returning POWs revealed the horrendous tortures they had suffered;
  • Kissinger’s treachery in betraying our POWs is recounted in many sources, such as: An Enormous Crime: The Definitive Account of American POWs Abandoned in Southeast Asia (2007) by former Congressman Bill Hendon and attorney Elizabeth A. Stewart (whose father is MIA in North Vietnam); The Men We Left Behind: Henry Kissinger, the Politics of Deceit and the Tragic Fate of POWs After the Vietnam War (1993) by Mark A. Sauter and James D. Sanders, and “An Examination of U.S. Policy Toward POW/MIAs” by the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Republican Staff (for more information see here);
  • Kissinger’s “peace” turned Vietnam politically and ideologically Red and physically blood red, as 100,000 or more were executed by the new communist masters and up to a million more were sent to brutal “reeducation” camps, where many died. Another estimated 200,000-250,000 Vietnamese died at sea as “boat people,” desperately attempting to escape from the totalitarian regime;
  • In neighboring Cambodia, the communist Khmer Rouge (backed by Red China and the Soviet Union) killed an estimated 1.5 million to 3 million victims, following the Kissinger “peace” agreement.

Watergating Nixon to Put Nelson Rockefeller in the White House

  • In his books, Kissinger postures as a Nixon loyalist, but in reality he was always a better fit with the Democrats and the Rockefeller Republican internationalists. He detested the genuine anti-communists in the Republican Party, and in August 1968 wrote to Averell Harriman, who was then leading the American delegation at the Paris peace talks: “My dear Averell … I am through with Republican politics. The party is hopeless and unfit to govern.”;
  • When President Nixon offered him the prize plum of National Security Advisor, Kissinger initially balked, but reconsidered when Nelson Rockefeller (his old boss and mentor) insisted he take it;
  • Nelson Rockefeller, who had been unsuccessful in repeated attempts to win the GOP nomination (in 1960, 1964, and 1968), saw Kissinger as his key to eventually winning the White House, which he almost achieved, through an elaborate chess game in which Kissinger was his inside man;
  • According to multiple insiders, including Nixon’s White House Counsel John Dean, it was Kissinger and Rockefeller who schemed to set up the “Plumbers,” the group responsible for the Watergate burglary (intentionally botched with the help of the CIA, then controlled by Kissinger and his pal Richard Helms), which guaranteed Nixon’s ouster;
  • Kissinger put Rockefeller agent David Young in charge of the Plumbers, and Secret Service chief Robert H. Taylor, who played a key role in bugging the White House and producing the Watergate tapes, would move on to become the head of private security for the Rockefeller family;
  • The Rockefeller cabal orchestrated a scandal involving alleged corruption against Nixon’s Vice President Spiro Agnew, and Kissinger and his torpedo Alexander Haig pressured Agnew to resign;
  • With Agnew out, Nixon appointed Rockefeller ally Rep. Gerald Ford to fill the vice presidential slot. After Nixon resigned, Ford became president and nominated Rockefeller to be his vice president. His confirmation hearings revealed that he had given large financial rewards to Kissinger, but he was confirmed by both houses of Congress and for three years was within a heartbeat of the Oval Office, which he had coveted throughout his adult life.

Building the CIA Into the Deep State’s Surveillance State

  • Kissinger was the architect of President Nixon’s 1971 reorganization of the Intelligence Community that resulted in Kissinger being placed in supreme command of U.S. intelligence: head of the National Security Council (NSC) and chairman of virtually every committee on the council. The director of the CIA, secretary of defense, and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff reported directly to him;
  • When he was named secretary of state, he continued also as head of the NSC, the first person ever to hold both of these top offices at the same time. Virtually every piece of intelligence information that went to the president of the United States was funneled through him, and he appointed and elevated a slew of security risks and CFR globalists to top positions, which foreshadowed much of the crisis we are now experiencing with the likes of John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Peter Strzok, et al.;
  • Kissinger’s engineering of the palace coup against Nixon and Agnew (who were actually Rockefeller internationalists but, nevertheless, stood in the way of globalist ambitions) provided a foretaste of the Shadow Government coup efforts decades later against Donald Trump;
  • Kissinger succeeded in getting President Ford to appoint Nelson Rockefeller to head a commission to investigate the CIA (known as the Rockefeller Commission), which was akin to placing Dracula in charge of the blood bank. Rockefeller then allowed Kissinger to edit the commission’s report, which (surprise!) was a whitewash. Among the important information expunged was information on Soviet espionage in the U.S. and penetration of our government.

Détente, SALT, ABM Treaty, Helsinki Accords

  • Belying his false anti-communist image, Kissinger not only assisted China in unparalleled fashion, but also incredibly aided the Soviet Union’s push for strategic military advantage and global conquest;
  • Pushing his concept of “détente” (lessening of tension) with communist leaders, Kissinger boosted Soviet nuclear advantage and dramatically lessened ours with the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) Treaty and the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty;
  • The Helsinki Final Act (also known as the Helsinki Accords), co-authored by Kissinger and his Soviet comrades and signed in 1975 by President Ford, was a complete betrayal of Soviet-occupied Eastern and Central Europe: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, etc.;
  • When Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, slave-labor camp survivor and author of The Gulag Archipelago, came to the United States, Kissinger and his NSC apparatchik Brent Scowcroft (CFR) convinced President Ford not to meet with him because it might offend Leonid Brezhnev and the Soviet Politburo.

Shilling for the New World Order/Great Reset/World Government

  • As noted above, Kissinger has been tightly tied to the Rockefeller dynasty, working closely as a protégé of both David and Nelson Rockefeller since the 1950s;
  • He is a longtime director of the CFR (of which David Rockefeller was chairman and chairman emeritus), a lifetime trustee of the Trilateral Commission (David Rockefeller, founder), a Steering Committee member of Bilderberg, and a leading light of the World Economic Forum (whose founder Klaus Schwab extols Kissinger as his inspiration). These and related groups openly promote a “New World Order” and a “Great Reset” that would bring about world government in union with communist regimes under the United Nations. Kissinger has been and remains their most famous advocate (see links below).

Henry Kissinger: Soviet Agent?

  • In the early 1960s, before Kissinger had risen to prominence, one of the most important Soviet agents ever to defect, General Michael Goleniewski, named Kissinger as a Soviet agent who had been recruited into the KGB while stationed in Germany as a U.S. Army sergeant in World War II;
  • Goleniewski had provided thousands of pages of top-secret Soviet documents and hundreds of pages of Soviet intelligence reports, and unmasked some of the most important Soviet spies and double agents in the West, including George Blake, Stig Wennerstron, Kolon Molody, and Ernst Bosenhard;
  • The believability of Goleniewski’s allegations is reinforced by Kissinger’s own record, as briefly outlined above, as well as by his associations and the people he appointed and elevated, including: KGB agent and “journalist” Victor Louis, KGB agent and “journalist” Wilfred Burchett, KGB agent and ambassador Anatoliy Dobrynin, General William Hall, Ambassador David Popper, SALT man Boris Klosson, NSC pal Helmut Sonnenfeldt, and Ambassador Leonard Unger, to name but a few.

There is much more about Kissinger’s career — including his strange relationships with Mikhail Gorbachev, Vladimir Putin, Yevgeniy Primakov (Moscow’s longtime KGB master of Middle East terrorism), and PLO terror chief Yasser Arafat (see here) — a career that goes far beyond being merely “concerning.” Far from celebrating his longevity, Americans should feel obligated to demand an official accounting of his misdeeds and his decades of treacherous aid to the enemies of freedom.

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