About: William F. Jasper

William F. Jasper

Senior editor William F. Jasper is an author/journalist/commentator/documentary producer with a well-earned reputation as one of America’s top investigative reporters, most renowned for his in-depth, years-long investigation of the Oklahoma City bombing and its aftermath. For more than three decades he served as an accredited correspondent at the United Nations in New York and UN summits around the world.

Czech Pres. Vaclav Klaus Enrages Eurocrats

Vaclav Klaus, president of the Czech Republic, can drive communists, leftists, Greens, and one-world globalists to near apoplectic fury. However, the popular Czech statesman (finance minister, 1989-1992; prime minister,...

Heat or Cold: Which Is More Deadly?

Which poses the greater health risk to humans: hot weather, or cold? According to global-warming alarmists, the answer is simple: heat kills. However, statistical evidence shows that cold weather...

Bailout Mania!

The Treasury Department and Federal Reserve are spending trillions — and Congress is letting them get away with the biggest theft in history. ...

Ponzi, Madoff, and the Fed

Poor Charles Ponzi is getting another media drubbing. News stories, of late, have been declaring Bernard Madoff's spectacular investment fraud case "the biggest Ponzi scheme in history." ...

A Beacon in the Night

It is easy to see why the enchanting paintings of Thomas Kinkade have captivated millions of admirers worldwide. On his canvases, alluring scenes — of idyllic cottages and cabins,...

Rooting for World Government

"And now for a world government." That is the title of an important op-ed by Gideon Rachman that appeared in the Financial Times of London — important both for...