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About: Wallis W. Wood

The Democrats Get Desperate

After years of threatening to employ the “nuclear option” to limit debate, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid finally pushed the button. The Democrats rammed through a resolution on a...

More Exploding ObamaCare Bombshells

Several bombshells have exploded over ObamaCare just in recent days. Consider, for example, Jessica Sanford, the woman President Obama had cited last month as an example of ObamaCare’s success....

You Can’t Pray That Here!

An appeals court has ruled that opening public meetings with a prayer somehow violates the U.S. Constitution. Now the issue is in front of the Supreme Court. ...

Conservatism Didn’t Die on Tuesday

Liberals are gloating that Tuesday’s election results prove that committed conservatives can’t win the big races. There’s just one problem with all of their self-satisfied jubilation: The facts don’t...

Our Know-nothing President

Is it really possible that the President of the United States knows as little about what his administration is doing as his defenders claim? That no one tells him...

More of Obama’s Massive Lies

There have been so many lies flooding out of Washington lately that’s it’s hard to keep up with them all, much less rebut them. But let’s tackle as many...

Edward Snowden: Traitor or Hero?

Is Snowden a traitorous dog who deserves the harshest penalties the United States can impose on him? Or is he an authentic American hero who sacrificed a comfortable life...

An Expert Games the System

For more than 20 years, Dorothy Dugger was employed by the Bay Area Rapid Transit system in San Francisco. And even though she didn’t do a lick of work...