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About: Wallis W. Wood

Rand Paul Takes On the TSA

Senator Rand Paul began with a story that got a huge laugh from standing-room-only crowd at FreedomFest. “As you may know,” he said, “I have sort of a love/hate...

Eric Holder Has to Go

It should be just a matter of time before Holder is no longer our nation’s top law-enforcement officer. While the list of unconstitutional excesses by this Administration is longer...

King Obama Flouts the Law Again

Last July, Barack Obama told his favorite Hispanic group, the National Council of La Raza, that he knew “some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws...

Are You Ready for Taxmageddon?

Taxmageddon won’t be the result of one massive new assault on our wallets. Instead, it will come from tax cuts expiring in seven categories, along with new tax increases...

Racists for Obama

I wondered how long it would take for someone to raise the issue of racism in this year’s Presidential election. The answer came sooner than I expected. Last week,...

Washington Crucifies Job Creators

Al Armendariz, a regional director of the Environmental Protection Agency, was forced to quit his job when some of his intemperate remarks got publicized. It would be great if...

Barack Obama Shows How Low He Can Go

With his three wins earlier this month in Wisconsin, Maryland and Washington, D.C., Mitt Romney all but clinched the Republican nomination for President. The political pundits promptly announced that...