Who’s Really at Fault if the Government Defaults?
The battle over the federal debt ceiling that’s currently being fought by government officials and legislators is yet another example of the political posturing that’s so prevalent these days....
The battle over the federal debt ceiling that’s currently being fought by government officials and legislators is yet another example of the political posturing that’s so prevalent these days....
Democrats are ready to raise taxes. They want more revenue, in part to fund an out-of-this-world amount of new spending. Some simply want to soak the rich, as Rep....
Another government failure, another outrage. This time the scandal is brought on by the less-than-orderly withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan and the realization that 20 years of military...
We're continuing to move even further down the road toward the states effectively becoming administrative units of the federal government. ...
If inflation ever gets out of control, it's easier to deal with it in a lower-debt environment. ...
When Uncle Sam's coffers are empty, everyone suddenly remembers the so-called tax gap — the difference between the tax revenues Congress expects versus those it actually collects. ...
If you follow the news, you may be under the impression that nothing ever gets done in Congress and that Democrats and Republicans can’t agree on any serious legislation....
Democrats' $6 trillion infrastructure plan would probably be best described as a package full of progressive items wrapped in magical thinking paper. ...
The hundreds of newspaper reports about COVID relief that called the spending "stimulus" were misleading. ...
Marketing is everything in politics. It explains why a tax credit that benefits 90% of American families with kids — some of them with income higher than $400,000 —...
There are many more nongovernmental ideas for helping workers, and even more to be discovered. Let's pursue them, rather than ram through a federal paid-leave program. ...
Prudent leaders should take steps now to make sure their actions don't cause a debt crisis in the future. Sadly, there are no such leaders in sight today. ...
While it may sound old-fashioned, I don't believe that it's the role of the government to tell fully consenting adults what they can and cannot do with their own...
We now have pandemic hygiene theater to give uninformed people a false sense of control and sustain their fear of the virus. ...
President Joe Biden says his $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan would generate economic growth and jobs, but none of this clever marketing makes any of these claims true. ...