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The Coming Big Silver Short

VIDEO - In this interview with The New American's Alex Newman, author and former options trader Chris Marcus of Arcadia Economics explains that there is a looming explosion in...

Feds Using Tribal Governments for Tyranny

VIDEO - Federally funded tribal governments are being used as a battering ram against the U.S. Constitution, state sovereignty, and individual liberty, Indian policy expert and author Elaine Willman...

Exposing the FILTH in Kids’ Books

VIDEO - In this interview with The New American's Alex Newman, author Debbie DeGroff exposes the horrifying filth that has invaded children's books--including books published by Christian publishers! In...

Are The Police Being Mistreated?

VIDEO - Joe Panzarello joins Dr. Duke to speak about the police being played with using the media. Joe says Defunding the police wont solve any problems, but create...

What Is Going On In California?

VIDEO - Dr. Duke Pesta talks with Joe Panzarello, a coordinator for the John Birch Society about the leftward movements in California. Panzarello tells us the fight against COVID-19...

Exposing the Foreign Hand Behind Racial Unrest

VIDEO - In this exclusive interview with The New American magazine's foreign correspondent Alex Newman, U.S. congressional candidate Johsie Cruz, who comes from Venezuela, explains how communist and socialist...

UK Insanity Coming to US Soon

VIDEO - In this interview with The New American's Alex Newman, British film producer Mark Sutherland gives an update on Brexit and warns about what is happening in the...

Consequences of BLM Protests?

VIDEO - Dr. Duke and Florida Rep. Mike Hill continue their discussion on the Black Lives Matter movement and the lack of consequences for the rioters who are destroying...