Bringing a Biblical Worldview Back to Politics
VIDEO - Teen Eagles President Andrew Muller explains how his organization is working to bring a biblical worldview back into politics. This homeschooled teen, a top young conservative leader,...
VIDEO - Teen Eagles President Andrew Muller explains how his organization is working to bring a biblical worldview back into politics. This homeschooled teen, a top young conservative leader,...
VIDEO - In this interview with The New American magazine, fake Trump discusses how and why the United States won first, second, and third place in being "the best...
A leading United Nations speaker, Oscar-winning Woodstock Director Michael Wadleigh, called for radical reduction of the human population--especially among white people. The reason why it is so important to...
MADRID -- At the request of the Canadian government, journalists from Canada's Rebel News were banned from United Nations summits--all for asking real questions. In this interview with The...
VIDEO - United Nations globalists at the UN "COP25" climate summit in Madrid mocked President Trump and the United States of America. Among other points, the climate activists were...
VIDEO - A congressional delegation of Democrats at the United Nations COP25 "Climate" in Madrid is ignoring science and the ongoing U.S. withdrawal from the UN Paris Agreement. UN...
VIDEO - Congressman Thomas Massie recaps a recent House Hearing, of an unashamed, so-called abortion “doctor.” She claims that abortion is moral, yet never defines “viability” or answers whether...
VIDEO - In this interview, Dr. Duke Pesta talks with JBS CEO Art Thompson about the origins and importance of Thanksgiving. Art explains that many people today do not...
VIDEO - In this episode of Duke’s Take, Dr. Duke talks about the necessity of Thanksgiving. Progressives are attacking Thanksgiving because of its “questionable origins,” but Duke says that...
VIDEO - The New American’s Christian Gomez interviews anticommunist author and researcher Trevor Loudon about his recent article published by The Epoch Times entitled, “Virginia Goes Blue: Pro-China Communists...
VIDEO - Congressman Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) joins Dr. Duke Pesta to discuss how the House of Representatives voted to extend warrantless data collection provisions of the Patriot Act, while...
VIDEO - On the brink of anarchy, Chile’s National Congress caves in to the demands of the protesters and the Partido Comunista de Chile (Communist Party of Chile) by...
VIDEO - Dr. Carlos Casanova, a professor of philosophy of law at the Universidad Santo Tomás in Santiago, Chile, tells The New American about the efforts of both the...
VIDEO - In an interview with The New American magazine's Alex Newman, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Alan Keyes warned that without a return to God, America...
VIDEO - Dr. Carlos Casanova, a professor of philosophy of law at the Universidad Santo Tomás and the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, shares with The New American how...