About: Steven J. DuBord

The New GM: Government Made

There's something fundamentally wrong with the world when a country known for being the very embodiment of Old World socialism — Sweden — serves up an object lesson in...

Obama’s Disastrous Deficits

According to a new report released by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the deficits to be generated over the next 10 years by the Obama administration's proposed budget will...

Revolutionary Virtue

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people," John Adams famously announced in 1798. "It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ...

Trying to Turn CO2 Into Au

ITEM: U.S. News & World Report for February 20, 2009 interviewed Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), the new chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Waxman said that "broader...

The Militia: In History and Today

The army — defender or destroyer of freedom? Throughout history power-hungry rulers have used armies to conquer and oppress other lands, and to impose tyranny on their own people....

Shock & Awe Economics

With the passage of the $787 billion Obama-Democratic Congress stimulus bill, the die has been cast for America's economic future. This, the largest appropriations bill ever passed by Congress,...

Dangers of “Judicial Supremacy”

Imagine that certain investors have set up a business under a charter and by-laws that specifically provide for a number of managers assigned to oversee various separate and independent...