About: Steven J. DuBord

CBO Warns of Health Reform Cost

The Congressional Budget Office on July 16 warned that the Democrats’ healthcare reform bills won’t reduce the federal government’s spending on medical care. In fact, a July 16 AP...

H1N1 “Swine” Flu Vaccinations

According to a July 10 Washington Post article, the federal government is considering a mass vaccination campaign this fall against the H1N1 flu virus. Obama administration officials announced this...

Hospitals Make Healthcare Reform Deal

The American Hospital Association, the Federation of American Hospitals, and the Catholic Health Association agreed with the Obama administration on July 6 to accept $155 billion less in reimbursement...

CDC Reports on Insurance Coverage

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control on July 1 released preliminary data for insurance coverage in America during 2008. According to the data, the percentage of Americans with private...

Supreme Court Rules for Firefighters

The Supreme Court ruled on June 29 that New Haven, Connecticut, discriminated against white and Hispanic firefighters by disregarding test results that would have resulted in their promotion. ...

Competing for Best Censorship

Technology firms in countries with little government repression are currently competing to be the best at helping repressive regimes like China and Iran censor Internet content and maintain control...