Could Republicans Lose Texas in 2020?
Some Republicans fear that the pendulum may very well be swinging back to the Democrats in what has been a reliably conservative “Red” state since the 1980s. ...
Some Republicans fear that the pendulum may very well be swinging back to the Democrats in what has been a reliably conservative “Red” state since the 1980s. ...
In Orwell's classic Animal Farm, the ruling pigs said, "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." Such is the case with those on the...
To neoconservatives such as Jonah Goldberg, it is always 1938, and the latest tin-horn dictator is the latest Adolf Hitler. ...
Arkansas has joined a growing number of states that recognize that the practice of civil asset forfeiture is un-American. ...
Asking Mueller if his report exonerated Trump reveals that the probe was never about seeking justice, but rather about seeking a political advantage. ...
While it might be satisfying to see socialist dictator Maduro charged by the International Criminal Court, it would set a dangerous precedent and create yet another building block for...
Could O'Rourke's comparisons of Trump supporters to Nazis lead to violence against Trump or his supporters? ...
Americans who favor a free market need to take up the challenge and educate the younger generation of the negative effects on liberty and prosperity brought on by any...
While perhaps most people think of the French Revolution as a movement to empower commoners gone wrong, that wasn’t its goal. ...
Ben Carson defends the president from bogus changes of racism — but falsely accusing someone of racism in order to score political points is not new. ...
Nothing could be more unjust than making a person pay for a wrong perpetrated over one hundred years before that person was born — to individuals who were not...
At one time, "banned in Boston" referred to something lurid or naughty. Now, it is the Christian flag that is banned there. ...
The replacement of the U.S. flag with that of a foreign country — Mexico — gives an indication where some of the open-borders advocates are going. ...
It is unfortunate that the central issue of USMCA — its effect on America's national sovereignty — is hardly mentioned in the debate over its passage. ...
Time is running short for Americans who treasure our nation’s independence to defeat the USMCA trade deal. ...