About: Patrick J. Buchanan

Red Lines and Lost Credibility

A major goal of this Asia trip, said National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster, is to rally allies to achieve the "complete, verifiable and permanent denuclearization of the Korean...

It’s Trump’s Party Now

After the Trumpian revolt, there is no going back. As that most American of writers, Thomas Wolfe, put it, "You can't go home again." Traditionalists have been told that...

Is Liberalism a Dying Faith?

Equality, diversity, democracy — this is the holy trinity of the post-Christian secular state at whose altars Liberal Man worships. But the congregation worshiping these gods is shrinking. ...

Judge Moore & God’s Law

Judge Roy Moore believes that man-made law must conform to the "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God," as written in Jefferson's Declaration of Independence. ...