The Left’s Coming War on Cops
The idea of defunding police departments has caught fire, and liberal politicians are scrambling to get in front of their radical constituents. ...
The idea of defunding police departments has caught fire, and liberal politicians are scrambling to get in front of their radical constituents. ...
Former Defense Secretary General James Mattis says of the events of the last 10 days that have shaken the nation: “We must not be distracted by a small number...
Liberals may equate the term “law and order” with racism, but without law and order, there is no justice and no peace. ...
It tells us something about where American politics is going that, to win the Democratic nomination and the presidency, Biden, a white male vice president, like all his predecessors,...
Is the U.S. up for a second Cold War — this time with China? Xi Jinping’s China suddenly appears eager for a showdown with the United States for long-term...
In the forever wars of the Middle East, what does “winning” mean? ...
If there is a a second wave of the coronavirus, and the media elite and blue state governors demand a new shutdown, will the people of this republic comply...
President Trump supports opening the U.S. economy before the shutdown plunges us into a deep and lasting depression. Dr. Anthony Fauci made clear to a Senate committee his contradictory...
Can we coexist with China, a rising and expansionist power? Or must we conduct a new decades-long Cold War like the one we waged to defeat the Soviet Empire...
Where the medical crisis had been the central front, pulling the U.S. economy out of its coma is now President Trump’s principal objective in the war against the coronavirus....
Where Barack Obama achieved notoriety for “leading from behind,” Joe Biden, these last two months, has been leading from the basement. And, one must add, doing so quite successfully....
President Trump predicts a V-shaped recovery, the greatest boom in U.S. history. But it is well to recall what happened to the GOP when it failed to deliver in...
Is America, in lockdown, with 26 million unemployed and entering a new depression, up for a confrontation and Cold War with China? For that appears to be where the...
The one certain victor in the coronavirus pandemic war will likely be Big Government. ...
After the Great Pandemic has passed and we emerge from Great Depression II, what will be America’s mission in the world? ...