Don’t “Interpret” the Constitution; Obey It
The job of the Supreme Court is not to interpret the Constitution, or interpret any law properly enacted. It is to see to it that the Constitution is obeyed...
The job of the Supreme Court is not to interpret the Constitution, or interpret any law properly enacted. It is to see to it that the Constitution is obeyed...
NRA Leader Recommends More Armed Personnel at Schools “Millions of children are safer for one reason, the NRA. The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun...
Donald Trump wants NATO “rejiggered” and “changed for the better.” But NATO doesn’t need to be “rejiggered” or changed. What is needed is U.S. withdrawal from it and from...
In Europe, over several decades, there were numerous warnings about the creation of what would become the European Union. Many throughout the continent are now seeing where they are being...
Call it a big plus for Raúl and Fidel Castro and their oppressive rule. President Barack Obama’s trip to the island nation 90 miles from Florida could be termed,...
Social Security has been built over an array of broken promises and costly changes. The alterations are costly, not only for government, but also for the nation’s working people....
As the 2016 nomination and presidential sweepstakes nears its longed-for completion, a political change artist has emerged to switch his positions and allegiances. ...
Will the GOP’s Senate Leader Hold Fast This Time? “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court justice. Therefore, this vacancy should...
Supreme Court Justice Has No Favorite to Fill the Empty Seat “We don’t choose our colleagues, Presidents choose them. I have enough trouble with the questions I have to...
Current commentators claim that television coverage of the proceedings pretty much guarantees that there won’t be any brokered conventions. I don’t agree. ...
It comes as little surprise to hear Vicente Fox outspokenly injecting himself into current race for the presidency here in America. GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has stirred Fox’s ire...
Senator Lindsey Graham has become an outspoken leader of the neoconservative wing of the Republican Party. ...
The Constitution does not permit our nation to be the “policeman of the world.” And NATO, sold as something other than what its creators really wanted, is an entangling...
A Texas law placing greater restrictions on abortion clinics has been challenged in court and will be decided by the Supreme Court. ...
England’s Prime Minister David Cameron will do all he can to persuade his countrymen to remain tied to the 28-member super government knowing that other EU member nations may...