Question for Stephen Hawking: Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?
Though scientist Stephen Hawking said in a recent speech at Cal Tech that general relativity and quantum theory can enable us to account for the origins of the universe...
Though scientist Stephen Hawking said in a recent speech at Cal Tech that general relativity and quantum theory can enable us to account for the origins of the universe...
How Lindsey Graham's position on Boston bombing poses the real threat to liberty. ...
Though conservative icon Russell Kirk stated that conservatism isn't a dogma or doctrine, he did outline 10 principles that distinguish it. ...
Conservatism is dying because it leaders act too much like the leftists whom they are supposedly battling. ...
It is Bill O'Reilley's recent false allegation against opponents of gay marriage that they "do nothing but thump the Bible" that accounts for why they should be upset. ...
Not only is "same-sex marriage" a logical impossibility; it is a threat, not to marriage, but to liberty. ...
The love of God and neighbor commanded by God of Christians is inseparable from the intense hatred of evil and sin also commanded of them. ...
Richard Dawkins tweeted that “any fetus is less human than an adult pig," poorly playing the roles of philosopher and scientist. ...
Whatever we decide to call same sex-unions, marriage always has been and always will be an inherently heterosexual concept. ...
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg suffered an embarrassing defeat this week when a judge ruled that his now infamous “soda ban” failed to pass legal muster, and he...
The fact that the new Catholic Pope undoubtedly chose as his namesake St. Francis of Assisi, who gave his life to the poor, is encouraging to media and some...
John McCain's and Lindsey Graham's response to Rand Paul's filibuster is at least as significant as Paul's filibuster itself. ...
Rand Paul’s nearly 13-hour filibuster on the Senate floor last week was a stroke of political genius that still has not yet been fully appreciated. ...
The Southern Poverty Law Center has blasted The John Birch Society, while aiming at me specifically; here, I expose their bogus criticisms. ...
Three reasons why Michelle Obama showed up at the Oscars. ...