Is Your Smart TV Watching YOU?
It's one thing to watch television; it's another thing altogether for your television to watch you. Unfortunately, that is what is increasingly happening. As Internet-connected devices become more commonplace,...
It's one thing to watch television; it's another thing altogether for your television to watch you. Unfortunately, that is what is increasingly happening. As Internet-connected devices become more commonplace,...
During her tenure as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton stored classified information on her unsecured, unauthorized, private e-mail server. Though she has steadfastly maintained that she "never sent or...
When Microsoft released Windows 10 on July 29, the new operating system was already mired in controversy due to the way it monitors users' activities and reports back to...
After the White House announced last week that nearly 50 Special Operations advisers are being deployed to Syria, White House press secretary Josh Earnest went into full spin in...
In the year since the Ferguson riots, public sentiment toward law enforcement has deteriorated. At the same time, violent crime has risen in many of America's cities which had...
On Tuesday, the Senate passed the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) by a vote of 74-21. It has the tech industry and the internet community worried. ...
Last week, Texas Governor Greg Abbott cut off all state and local funding to Planned Parenthood in response to the 10 videos that show, in vivid detail, that the...
While the gun control crowd continues to repeat the mantra that guns are responsible for the increase in mass killings, a new study from Sweden shows the more likely...
Ronald Reagan once famously quipped, "It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first." The...
The treatment of 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed by the police and school officials on September 14 seems like an obvious case of "Islamaphobia," based on what almost all of us have thus...
Is it possible to truly understand the inherent difficulties and dangers of police work without looking at it through the eyes of those who wear a badge? ...
For as long as e-mail has been a regular form of communication, Congress has allowed the Fourth Amendment to protect some e-mail, but has also allowed any messages stored...
Police Chief Mike Halstead in Surf City, North Carolina, was forced to retire after posting a statement to his private Facebook page calling the Black Lives Matter movement "an...
Missouri Governor Jay Nixon's "Ferguson Commission" has released its report which includes 198 "calls to action." The most important of those "calls to action" involve the commission's recommendations for...
As more and more people have become aware of the spyware nature of Windows 10, many have decided not to take Microsoft up on their "free upgrade." People all...