Colin Gunn on Public Education (Video)
Colin Gunn, director of the film IndoctriNation, shares his thoughts on how to improve the pubic education system, which affects the majority of America's youths today. ...
Colin Gunn, director of the film IndoctriNation, shares his thoughts on how to improve the pubic education system, which affects the majority of America's youths today. ...
Pastor Stephen Broden interviews Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson at the March for Jobs rally that took place in Washington, D.C., on July 15, 2013. ...
While a “progressive” education highlights perceived societal flaws and teaches what to think, a classical education emphasizes cultural bulwarks and teaches how to think. ...
The U.S. government is using its payment system to control the types of medical treatment Americans get, leading to high medical costs and high mortality. ...
Australia’s scandal-infested Catholic Church is now paying a terrible penalty for its eagerness, almost half a century ago, to become a pensioner of Big Government. Let Americans study the...
In the days immediately preceding the U.S. Civil War, strongly held personal beliefs drove families apart as members took sides. When war began, suffering visited all. ...
"I personally think that ... democracy is a weapon of demagoguery and a perennial fraud. I think that a constitutional republic is the best of all forms of government...
One of the primary justifications for the welfare state comes from Christians. Yet the welfare state, with its system of coercion and compulsion, constitutes a denigration of God’s way....
In the following video report, Joe Wolverton, II, J.D., warns that the United Nations ultimately seeks to disarm civilians while building a monopoly of power in the hands of...
The senseless and horrific killings last week in Newtown, Connecticut reminded us that a determined individual or group of individuals can cause great harm no matter what laws are...
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has announced an alternative solution to the current debate over whether to raise the country’s debt ceiling. ...
The FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division, which is located in Clarksburg, West Virginia, has launched a $1 billion effort to build the world’s largest computer database of people’s...
One check to the Supreme Court's judicial activism is that Congress may limit the Supreme Court’s appellate jurisdiction pursuant to the “Exceptions Clause” in Article III, Section 2 of...
One of poisoned Russian defector Alexander Litvinenko's most important accusations is his charge that Ayman al-Zawahiri, reportedly al-Qaeda's "Number 2" commander, had been trained by the Soviet KGB/FSB. ...
Ayman al-Zawahiri, the reputed Number 2 chief in al-Qaeda and the man second only to Osama bin Laden on the FBI's "Most Wanted Terrorists" list, was trained by the Russian...