Huge “Red Pill Expo” Exposes Federal Reserve, COVID Tyranny
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

JEKYLL ISLAND — America is being lied to by totalitarians and collectivists on a massive scale, to the point that liberty now hangs in the balance, declared experts in various fields and leaders from across America and beyond at the Red Pill Expo. However, there was almost universal optimism throughout the event, with a general feeling that the establishment’s war on freedom and truth had gone too far, too fast, causing people everywhere to wake up. The Federal Reserve’s looting of America and Big Pharma’s war on health freedom were central topics.

As most in the freedom movement know well by now, thanks primarily to the work of Red Pill Expo Chairman G. Edward Griffin, the corrupt banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve System was actually born on Jekyll Island over a century ago. The effect has been disastrous. But awareness is growing — especially through the influence of Griffin’s book The Creature From Jekyll Island. The best-selling book, which has been discussed even on mainstream cable networks, has increased the public understanding of the Federal Reserve like no other book in history.

In an interview with The New American magazine, Griffin warned that the economic situation was almost certain to get significantly worse in the months ahead. “The whole thing is headed to a very bad crisis,” he said. “This is it — it is coming. By this time next year everybody will understand what I am saying.” But this jolt also gives Americans an opportunity to expose and then dismantle the system that has pummeled the middle class and transferred vast amounts of wealth to the banking elites and the government’s cronies.

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Throughout the conference, Griffin was celebrated as a superstar and one of the patriarchs of the modern-day Liberty movement. When he went up on stage to discuss his views on collectivism, individualism, liberty, and the effort to enslave mankind, the crowd went absolutely wild for the vibrant octogenarian. The enthusiasm and energy level was off the charts as many hundreds of people from across America and beyond joined forces to educate themselves and get active at the fifth and largest-ever “Red Pill Expo.”

The Communist Chinese virus did not keep people away. But because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic — and the unprecedented global lockdown supposedly in response to a virus that some speakers referred to as a “plandemic” or even a “scamdemic” — health and medicine were hot topics discussed by virtually everyone on stage. An array of America’s top skeptical experts and leaders in the field denounced the engineered hysteria, the totalitarian measures imposed by authorities under the guise of “health,” and also the now highly controversial agenda to vaccinate all of humanity with a COVID vaccine.

Medical talk-show host Del Bigtree, who used to work for the establishment’s Big Pharma-funded propaganda media before defecting, riled up the crowd like nobody else. Warning of the dangers of vaccines, Bigtree said the establishment had moved way too quickly, and that people everywhere were increasingly suspicious about the vaccinations. Indeed, he cited polls showing that Americans were planning to reject the looming COVID-19 shot in massive numbers. Across Europe, meanwhile, Bigtree showed videos of massive rallies at which millions of Europeans protested against COVID tyranny. Police often responded with brute force.

Also speaking on the topic was Dr. Andrew Kauffman, a prominent medical doctor, psychiatrist, and molecular biologist who has questioned even the fundamentals of the coronavirus narrative. Educated at Duke and MIT, Dr. Kauffman described the pandemic as a “manufactured event.” He also warned that vaccines were not — contrary to popular belief — safe and effective. Like countless other critics, he lambasted the immunity from liability given to vaccine manufacturers in 1986, telling The New American that this allowed them to injure and kill large numbers of people with no accountability.

Another one of the most celebrated speakers was Mikki Willis, creator of Plandemic, the most-watched documentary in human history at over one billion views and counting. In a follow-up interview with The New American magazine, Willis explained that the censorship and establishment hysteria was one of the reasons that the film became so popular. However, there was also a strategy: Rather than trying to maintain ownership of the film, Willis encouraged everyone to re-upload it across platforms with various titles and alterations to deceive the algorithms responsible for censoring it. It worked.

Willis also recounted his own personal story. In 2016, he was a “far-left activist” on the campaign trail with Bernie Sanders. However, more and more, he noticed that everyone surrounding the campaign “just really hated America,” he told The New American, adding that more than a few self-described communists were deeply involved, too. The more he thought about it, the more he realized something was wrong. And while pursuing truth, he realized America was being deceived and it was time to speak out. His next film will focus on the escalating indoctrination of children in government schools.

Several speakers explained the importance of working with law enforcement to preserve and protect individual liberty and constitutional government in the United States.

Sheriff Richard Mack, for instance, who defeated the Clinton administration on gun-control at the U.S. Supreme Court, is working to educate sheriffs all across America on their duty to uphold the U.S. Constitution and their state constitutions in the face of unconstitutional tyranny. His efforts through the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association have already borne large amounts of fruit as chief law-enforcement officers all over the nation openly stand in defiance of tyranny in the protection of the God-given rights of their constituents. Attendees agreed that Mack’s message was essential.

Another speaker who dealt with these issues was Stewart Rhodes, founder of Oath Keepers. The organization made up of police, first responders, military personnel, and others is working to educate Americans serving in these key positions on the need to uphold their oath to the Constitution against all enemies. Rhodes, a popular speaker, explained that right now his organization is focused on supporting local law-enforcement across America as the Marxist assault on police escalates. During his speech, he explained why Oath Keepers was needed and how everyone could get involved.

This writer exposed the Deep State’s diabolical plan to create a cashless society. Already, cash is being demonized under the guise of fighting coronavirus. Combined with the engineered “coin shortage,” the establishment is going all out in its drive to eliminate cash — a critical tool that protects freedom and privacy, both of which are already under siege even with cash still in circulation. A key part of the talk involved proving that this agenda has been in place for many years, including through the “Better Than Cash” Alliance that brings together the United Nations, banks, credit-card processors, and governments worldwide.

Eventually, the Deep State plans to launch a global currency out of the ashes of the dollar. If the elites get their way, this world monetary system would be controlled by a global central bank (probably the International Monetary Fund, or IMF) that would allow the unrestricted growth and financing of a global government, the presentation showed. While the plot is little-known among Americans or people anywhere, that is not for lack of evidence. In fact, throughout the presentation, videos of world leaders and establishment media outlets promoting the agendas were offered as proof of what will come if humanity allows it.

Montana Public Service Commissioner Randy Pinocci, a regular at Red Pill Expo, also spoke at the event. He urged activists not just to complain on social media, but to become even more active by running for office in an effort to “become city hall,” a regular theme at Red Pill Expos. In an interview with The New American, he explained successful efforts in his state to secure an “opt out” from smart-meter technology. He also explained the value of coming to RPE as an elected official to learn about important topics.

Other prominent speakers in attendance included Christian Westbrook, known as the “Ice Age Farmer,” who warned about looming food insecurity and establishment efforts to totally control the food supply. He urged attendees to start growing their own food. Also speaking was George Gammon, a retired entrepreneur, who warned about the establishment’s “Great Reset” scheme. Investigative journalist Jon Rappoport exposed various lies and agendas behind the COVID-19 panic. Talk-show host Tim Ray noted that the masses are increasingly waking up.

Financial guru and best-selling author Robert Kiyosaki, one of the most high-profile experts at the Expo, warned about economic turmoil to come, and urged everyone to take it seriously, saying “dreamers” would not do well. Dr. David Martin warned about the looming “technocracy.” Dr. Brad Weeks offered advice and guidance on how to do well and thrive amid the COVID-19 hysteria. Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney exposed the elite effort to divide and conquer Americans. Marjory Wildcraft offered tips on growing emergency food, even in urban environments.

The Red Pill Expo on Jekyll Island smashed previous attendance records, despite the establishment media’s efforts to panic Americans into hiding at home and avoiding human interaction. Well over a thousand paid to watch the live-stream at home, too. Despite the dire circumstances and ominous storm clouds on the horizon, attendees were almost universally upbeat and optimistic as more and more people around the world “wake up” and reject the media’s false narratives and hate. Video of all the talks will be available for a fee at in the weeks ahead. The location of the next Expo has not yet been decided.

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