CNN Director: Network Is a Leftist Propaganda Machine. It’s Lied About Biden, Trump; Targets Republicans
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Project Veritas has uncovered yet more evidence of the conspiracy to elect Joe Biden with fake news.

In a video released yesterday, PV uncovered a self-described Biden propagandist who works for CNN: technical director Charlie Chester. Chester admitted that CNN was in the tank for Biden, which is hardly news, and that removing Trump from office was the reason he went to CNN.

But Chester also confessed that the network subtly lied about the two candidates and that it peddles propaganda, an example being its attacks on GOP Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida.

We Got Trump

One means of damaging Trump, Chester told an undercover PV journalist, was reversing the truth about the health of the candidates.

Though Trump was healthy and vigorous throughout his campaign, Biden, many Democrats were concerned, had lapsed into dementia. Indeed, even Trump haters openly said Biden was “sundowning,” a term used to describe Alzheimer’s patients as they cognitively decline through the day.

CNN depicted Biden as healthy, Chester said:

He is definitely — the whole thing of him running during the entire — like run for the campaign. Showing him jogging is obviously deflection of his age and they [CNN] trying to make it like, “Oh, I’m healthy.”

We would always show shots of him jogging and that [he’s] healthy, you know, and him in aviator shades. Like you paint him as a young geriatric.

The hate-Trump network tried to portray POTUS 45 as falling into neurological decline, Chester confessed. When Trump’s hand appeared to be shaking, Chester said, “we brought in so many medical people to tell a story that was all speculation, that he was neurologically damaged, and he was losing it.”

He’s unfit to — you know, whatever. We were creating a story there that we didn’t know anything about. That’s what — I think that’s propaganda.

Chester also bragged that CNN is responsible for electing Biden:

I am 100% going to say it, and I 100% believe that if it wasn’t for CNN, I don’t know that Trump would have got voted out.… I came to CNN because I wanted to be a part of that.

Push Climate Scare

With Trump gone, CNN will now focus on convincing the public that climate change is the next big threat. The China Virus scare is old news, and apparently, not working anymore.

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“I think there’s a COVID fatigue,” he told the PV journalist. “So, like whenever a new story comes up, they’re [CNN’s] going to latch onto it. They’ve already announced in our office that once the public is — will be open to it — we’re going to start focusing mainly on climate.”

Continued Chester:

It’s going to be our [CNN’s] focus. Like our focus was to get Trump out of office, right? Without saying it, that’s what it was, right? So, our next thing is going to be climate change awareness….

I have a feeling that it’s going to be like, constantly showing videos of decline in ice, and weather warming up, and like the effects it’s having on the economy.

Chester said CNN chief Jeff Zucker is behind the next Big Scare, and that the network needs a “pandemic-like story that we’ll beat to death, but that one’s got longevity.”

“There’s a definitive ending to the pandemic,” he continued:

It’ll taper off to a point that it’s not a problem anymore. Climate change can take years, so [CNN will] probably be able to milk that quite a bit….

Be prepared, it’s coming. Climate change is going to be the next COVID thing for CNN.

Admitted Chester, “fear sells.”

When PV chief James O’Keefe cornered Chester at a restaurant and revealed the secretly-recorded conversations, Chester refused to talk, then fled the scene in his car.

Get Gaetz

Chester also revealed yet another Republican target of what he admitted is the network’s anti-GOP propaganda. Asked to define the term, he expostulated like a high-school girl about one of the networks’ key targets, Florida’s Gaetz. The Justice Department is investigating a sex scandal in which the congressman is purportedly involved, and just today, as if to prove Chester’s point, CNN attacked him again.

Confessed Chester:

He’s a problem for the Democratic Party because he’s so conservative and he can cause a lot of hiccups in passing of laws and what not. So it would be great for the Democratic Party to get him out.

So we’re going to keep running those stories to keep hurting him and make it so that it can’t be buried, and just like settled outside of court just like, you know, if we keep pushing that, it’s helping us. 

That’s propaganda because it’s helping us in some way.

In December, PV secretly recorded top CNN execs as they discussed targeting Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and Fox talker Tucker Carlson. Led by Zucker, they also discussed how to protect Hunter Biden, who was tight as an Asian tick with Chinese Reds and the center of the Biden-Burisma influence-peddling scheme that ensnared his father, then Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Another problem they discussed was Trump’s concern about voter fraud, which CNN dismissed as a story.