Muslim Rape Gangs and Woke Justice? 37 Child Sex Probes Go NOWHERE
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It shocked many to learn that British authorities had ignored a child-trafficking ring and the beating, terrorizing, and sexual abuse of approximately 1,400 girls for 16 years because the perpetrators were Muslim. One whistleblower was actually told, “You must never [again] refer to Asian [Muslim] men,” and your “awareness of ethnic issues” needs to be raised; she was even forced into “diversity training.”

That abuse occurred in the northern England town of Rotherham in 2014. But this hasn’t inspired authorities to trade Lady Wokeness for Lady Justice, say critics, citing another Muslim rape-gang story, this one involving 37 cases and hundreds of named suspects — and zero convictions.

As the Mirror reports:

Dozens of probes into child sex exploitation in Telford have collapsed — with NO convictions.

Over the past decade 37 investigations into child sex crimes involving more than one alleged attacker failed to bring anyone to justice.

The new figures sparked outrage just days after it emerged predator Ahdel Ali, 33, was released halfway through an 18-year jail term.

Victims — who gave police at least 267 names — fear some of the worst sexual offenders are still at large in the Shropshire town.

One, whose case collapsed after she gave police the names of 68 men, told the Sunday Mirror: “It’s really wrong. These men are getting away with it and their abuse ruins lives.”

Many of her claims were backed up by diary entries but the Crown Prosecution Service said there was no realistic prospect of a conviction.

Another victim added: “The system is stacked against us. So many people report abuse but nothing happens and when perpetrators do get jailed they get out early. It’s a slap in the face. Sex offenders should be made to serve their full sentence.”

The Mirror informs that of 40 total cases, 19 people were charged in three — but those “other 37 investigations drew a blank.”

An official from the relevant police force, West Mercia, says the picture is complex and that some cases were dismissed for lack of evidence while in others suspects were exonerated. Yet critics wonder if there’s more to it.

For instance, Jihad Watch proprietor Robert Spencer wrote last week that something is “very clear from the recent whitewashed report on Muslim rape gangs: British authorities are still terrified of being called ‘racist’ and ‘Islamophobic,’ to the extent that they’re willing to sacrifice a generation of the nation’s young girls, and likely also the entire future of the nation itself, to this fear.”

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Spencer’s conclusions are not unfounded. Just consider that regarding the aforementioned Rotherham scandal, there were cases of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone,” the Associated Press quoted an official in 2014 as saying. “Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators.”

Yet these crimes had continued for 16 years not because authorities were unaware of them, but, rather, because of an apparent “Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” attitude in government. 

Spencer isn’t alone in rendering his accusations. Commenting on where exactly the onus belongs, the British blog Fahrenheit 211 writes that while the Crown Prosecution Service has “been heavily penetrated by identity politics activists of influence, it’s likely to be the case that the blame for the lack of progress with these cases lies with the police. Too many of these cases seem to be being terminated way before charging stage, before the stage where the CPS would normally be involved.”

“West Mercia Police’s Telford officers are tainted by political correctness,” the blog also theorizes, and are “governed by a fear that increasing the strength and vigour of the investigations would ‘upset’ the town’s Muslim population and maybe cause them to riot.”

The “concern is that this force has not investigated these cases and allegations thoroughly enough to gather enough evidence to bring cases before the court,” the blog later tells us.

This would be no surprise. First realize that unlike in the United States, where police are relatively “conservative” (which is why the Left wants to “re-imagine” them), British police are far more politically correct.

Second, while everyone should do his duty, most people go along to get along. And from a worldly personal-self-interest standpoint, there’s great disincentive in Britain to aggressively investigate Muslim criminals. You can be accused of “racism,” a threat greatly influencing behavior in a land where related social stigmas and even (hate speech) laws are in force.

Then there’s the matter that in certain cases, investigating Islamic lawbreakers may mean venturing into “no-go zones.” (Yes, they do exist. Note, too, that the New York Times practically originated the no-go-zone story.) This not only means trying to conduct a probe in a tight-lipped, insular Muslim community, but also may involve physical danger for the officers.

Most of all, though, a sense of duty requires a sense of principle. Yet since “principle,” properly understood, reflects Truth, this quality will generally be lacking in morally relativistic/nihilistic moderns.

In other words, everyone is governed by something. For that to not be the social codes, traditions, and laws of a person’s age (and his own emotions), he must recognize something above those things that can serve as arbiter of their validity. But this is impossible if a person, divorced from God and His Truth, believes in nothing beyond this world. It is then that man’s laws and codes can become his “highest power.”

So what in these moderns’ minds and hearts could inspire them to stand against the false gods of PCness? Those gods are their gods and, while not loved, are most feared.